Esther Triviño
I see yoga as a tool that guides us towards a more awaken and alive space.
Thorough the Practice we can discover the power within ourselves, opening unexplored channels and pathways. Working on many levels, yoga creates more balance and helps in restoring our physical and emotional bodies. The result Is more vibrancy, presence and the creation of an internal space for more of life to be taken in. YOGA STUDIES Kriyas and Hatha Yoga Teacher Training (200h) Sivasoorya Yoga School,Kerala,India. Yoga Alliance India Hatha Flow , Shanti Om School, Rishikesh, India Vinyasa Flow for teachers , Yoga Space,Madrid, Spain Sivananda Yoga, Sunset Mountain Retreat, Ibiza, Spain YOGA EXPERIENCE -Therapeutic Yoga and meditation teacher ,Multiple Sclerosis Foundation, -Hatha Yoga teacher, Mirando al Sol , Madrid, Spain -Hatha Yoga teacher ,DeYoga, Madrid, Spain -Vinyasa Flow in Bikram Hot Yoya, Madrid, Spain -Assistant and teacher , The Sunset Mountain Retreat, Ibiza, Spain -Yoga private lessons , Madrid and Ibiza -Partner Yoga teacher , Madrid and Ibiza |